If you have ever said the below about your branded credit card…
“I get free bags with my Delta Card.”
“I get United Club Access with my United Card.”
“But I live in an American Airlines Hub, so their credit card is worth it, right?”
Then, you might be a victim of “bad points.”
While these so-called perks from branded cards seem great, they could be costing you thousands in missed travel rewards.
And the points they offer you are what I call: “bad points.”
If you’re ready to stop settling for average perks and redemptions (i.e., 1-2c per point) and start cranking it up to 3-25c per point, you'll want to watch this webinar.
In this eye-opening lesson, you will learn:
✅ Which cards are quietly robbing you of premium travel opportunities.
✅How to redeem for 3–25 cents per point instead of settling for just 1–2 cents.
I was already a pretty savvy “budget” traveler 12 years ago (well, I THOUGHT I was.)
Now, more than a decade later, after lots of practice and trial-and-error, I've added luxury travel on points into the mix, and the days of budget vacations are long behind me.
My wife and I not only travel 2- 3 times as often for the same budget as what I used to spend, but we do so in 4 & 5-star resorts. When we fly internationally, we fly in business or first-class.
The JGOOT Way of Travel has helped thousands of clients improve how they travel, and many will never go back to "the traditional way" again... Ready to learn how to do it yourself? Get the JGOOT book!
Learn the JGOOT way and take a honeymoon quality vacation every year the rest of your life!
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