Just Get Out Of Town Testimonials

Don't have time to watch all of the above case-studies?

Here is a highlight reel of what clients above shared about their experiences.

Book a call and you could be traveling like them as soon as 21 days from now.*

*Conditions apply and this call is not a sales call or a guarantee of success. This is a preliminary interview to find out about your travel plans and verify that we can actually help you. "$10,000 in free travel" guarantee. If we think we can help you - we will provide a guarantee in writing and will offer an invitation to enroll in our program. If not - we will send you free resources that will be a better fit for your specific travel needs.


I was already a pretty savvy “budget” traveler 12 years ago (well, I THOUGHT I was.)

Now, more than a decade later, after lots of practice and trial-and-error, I've added luxury travel on points into the mix, and the days of budget vacations are long behind me.

My wife and I not only travel 2- 3 times as often for the same budget as what I used to spend, but we do so in 4 & 5-star resorts. When we fly internationally, we fly in business or first-class.

The JGOOT Way of Travel has helped thousands of clients improve how they travel, and many will never go back to "the traditional way" again... Ready to learn how to do it yourself? Get the JGOOT book!

Learn the JGOOT way and take a honeymoon quality vacation every year the rest of your life!

  • Everything you need to know about free flights
  • Secrets to getting free accomodations
  • How to never run out of points
  • Our best credit card recommendations (you only need a few!)

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