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  • 2:30 Mountain Time
  • 3:30 Central Time
  • 4:30 Eastern Time

Tune in for our next FREE travel livestream.

Learn how Anna booked two Etihad First Class tickets to the UAE using points and just $7 in taxes and:

  • How to score luxury hotel stays and upgrades using points
  • Get a breakdown of bucket-list activities and tours for a fraction of the cost
  • Get your questions answered live about how to replicate these strategies for your next international trip

All livestreams are FREE TO Watch on Mondays,

so mark your calendar for every Monday at:

  • 1:30 Pacific Time
  • 2:30 Mountain Time
  • 3:30 Central Time
  • 4:30 Eastern Time

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  • Everything you need to know about free flights
  • Secrets to getting free accomodations
  • How to never run out of points
  • Our best credit card recommendations (you only need a few!)


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