Limited time bonus:

Enroll before this timer expires and get a $200 travel savings card - offsetting the entire cost of the program once redeemed toward savings at millions of hotels, car rental agencies, or activities/excursions around the world.

This offer expires in:




What You Get:

  • Quick & Easy Method
    (Using Two new Southwest cards)

  • Hybrid Method
    (Using one new Southwest card, and earning the balance of points through organic spend & earning multipliers)

  • Slow & Steady Method
    Must have an existing Southwest card, but no new credit cards required!

  • Live Q&A Sessions
    Choose from 3 times in the month of December. (Weekday, weeknight, or weekend. *Q&A sessions will be recorded and added to training portal for future reference.

Bonus Resources:

  • Quick-Reference Guide Of Most Popular Southwest Benefits (there are lots, and taking advantage of them can mean hundreds of dollars in savings)

  • Quick tricks to boost your score (if needed) to increase odds of approval for card.

  • Tips on what to do if declined (it happens occasionally, and there is almost always an easy solution).

  • How to get $200 in free Southwest flight credits every year.

Step 1: Contact Information

Step 2: Shipping Information

STEP 3: Order



Additional 1-on-1 support: In addition to the above mini-training, I would like a private 1-on-1 zoom call with Stephanie. Together, we will map out a personal plan to obtain my Companion Pass as fast as possible, and get the most out of all that Southwest has to offer.

There is no expiration date on this private 1-on-1 session, and I will shedule it after I have reviewed the information in the mini-course and have specific questions I'd like Stephanie to help me with.